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Buy a monitor based on the resolution you'll use it at. If you're doing regular old VGA (with a resolutionof 640 dots across the screen by 480 dots down the screen), buy a 14-inch fixed frequency VGA monitor; it'll cost around $120. For the super VGA 800?600 resolution, get a 15-inch multisyncing monitor that can handle that resolution. For 1024?768, buy a monitor that's at least 17 inches diagonally. And do not buy interlaced 1024?768: sure it's cheaper, but the lawsuits from your employees going blind will be expensive. Buy non-interlaced. And only — worry about it at 1024?768: nobody I know of tries to interlace 640?480 or 800?600. My favorite for a 17-inch monitor is the Viewsonic 17G.